Know your bodyexcel your game

Inno-X™ - A neuromuscular-readiness measuring device for everyday athletes.


Inno-X™ uses EMG and accelerometer data to gives you insights into your neuromuscular fatigue, neuromuscular readiness, and neuromuscular recovery.

How it works

Inno-X™ is a sophisticated solution that uses simple exercises to measure your muscles and the nerves that control them.

Connect your iPhone* via Bluetooth and place the Inno-X™ sensor on the outside of your thigh. Login to the Inno-X™ app to start a Pre-test (1). Perform three simple exercises (2). Get your Readiness & Recovery feedback (3). Perform your training based on your Readiness or adjust recovery strategy based on your Recovery (4). Start a Post-test after your training (5), perform three simple exercises (6). Get your Fatigue feedback (7).

*Android app is planned for release in 2023

Know Your Fatigue

Inno-X™ analyses your neuromuscular fatigue by detecting changes in muscular activation patterns after training . Train smarter, learn what type of training sessions lead to your highest neuromuscular fatigue.

Know Your Recovery

Inno-X™ describes how much your current neuromuscular status has improved since the end of your last training session. Recover faster, find your favourite recovery strategy, or adjust your training to reduce the risk of injuries by comparing your recovery rates.

Know Your Readiness

Inno-X™ compares your current neuromuscular status to your baseline and tells you how ready you are for your next training session. Work harder, choose your toughest session when your readiness is at its peak.

The Technology

The idea behind Inno-X™ derived from research and a genuine interest to use innovative technology to support athletes and coaches. 

Inno-X™ uses advanced signal processing algorithms proven to detect changes in muscle activation patterns. 

  • EMG

    Measures neuromuscular signals

  • IMU

    Consists of an accelerometer and a gyroscope to measure movement

  • Bluetooth

  • Battery life

    30 days of normal use